Electric Tankless Water Heater

Electric Tankless Hot water heater

Electric Tankless hot water heaters

Tankless hot water heaters are only effective if the 

Gallons Per Minute (GPM) match the fixture being used and the distance of installation to the point of use is close enough not effect the GPM flow to the fixture.  The closer each electric tankless heater to each bathroom and kitchen the better the GPM will be.  Tankless Hot Water Heaters Melbourne FL

Not all tankless heaters are the same

 There are some Electric tankless heaters which have scale build up of calcium on the inside of the element housing and then they expand and start to leak.  Other electric tankless hot water heaters have electrical components which are very sensitive to power surges.  A good power surge protector is the best situation for any electric tankless hot water heater.
Electric Tankless hot water heater
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